5_c.gif Only the Samaritan Leper came back to Thank Jesus

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 5_c.gif text- Luke 17:15~17
One of them, when he saw he was healed, came back, praising God in a loud voice.
He threw himself at Jesus' feet and thanked him--and he was a Samaritan.
Jesus asked, "Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine?



Only the Samaritan Leper came back to Thank Jesus


One of them, when he saw he was healed, came back, praising God in a loud voice. He threw himself at Jesus' feet and thanked him--and he was a Samaritan. Jesus asked, "Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine? [Luke 17:15~17]


In ancient Israel, if someone has leprosy, they were isolated

from their family and the village.

Furthermore, they only walked around at night, covering their wounds

with white gauze so they wouldn`t be seen by others.


Between Samaria and Galilee there was a town where lepers lived together.

¡°Ah! It`s such a sad thing that we should live like this forever¡¦¡±

¡°Yes, it`s a sad thing¡¦ Could a miracle also happen to us?¡±

And at that time, good news arrived to them.


¡°Hey! Listen, I`ve heard rumors about Jesus Christ.

They say he can even cure lepers like us.¡±

¡°Is that true? He can even cure Leprosy?¡±

The townspeople started to get excited.


They also heard Jesus Christ would pass by their village,

so the 10 lepers went to see Jesus Christ with hope

that he could cure their leprosy.


And finally they had found Jesus Christ standing in the middle of a crowd.

They shouted loudly from a long distance away,

 ¡°Have mercy on us Jesus Christ!¡±

And their voices reached Jesus Christ.


So Jesus Christ went to them and said, ¡°Show your bodies to the priest.¡±

Jesus Christ already knew what they wanted.

At that time, if their leprosy got cured they should show their bodies

to the priest.


They ran to see the priest because they had faith that they would be cured.


On the way to see the priest a miracle happened to them.


Their bodies had in fact been healed from leprosy.

¡°Oh my God! My body is cleaned!¡±

¡°It`s also happening to me!¡±

Surprisingly their bodies got cured when they had faith in the words

of Jesus Christ.


The 10 people started to dance with joy and amazement.

¡°We should hurry and show our bodies to the priest

and also tell our families about what has happened to us.¡±

They started to run quickly to see the priest.


But among the 10 people one person didn`t followed them.

And when he saw that his body had been cured he praised

and turned back to give glory to God.

¡°Thank you God! Thank you for curing my body.¡±


He turned back his way to see Jesus Christ.

He fell down at Jesus Christ`s feet and said thanks to Jesus Christ.

¡°Oh, Jesus Christ! Thank you for curing my body.¡±

And this man was a Samaritan who the Israelites hated.


Jesus Christ asked the man,

 ¡°Where is the other nine? How is it that everyone got cured

but only you came to see me? There is no other person than

this Samaritan who came to glorify God?¡±


So Jesus Christ blessed this Samaritan who came back to glorify God

by saying, ¡°Stand up and go, your faith has saved you.¡±

This Samaritan had been cured but even more than

that he received the greatest gift of all ¡®Salvation¡¯.


Sometimes we also commit the same mistake like the 9 men in the story,

we don`t give thanks to the LORD when our prayers get answered

during a critical time. Same as the Samaritan who came back to glorify our God, we should not forget what God has given us and glorify our LORD by being a people of faith and thanksgiving. 


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