5_c.gif Herod Agrippa Eaten by Worms and Died
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 5_c.gif text- Acts 12:23
Immediately, because Herod did not give praise to God, an angel of the Lord struck him down, and he was eaten by worms and died.



Herod Agrippa Eaten by Worms and Died


[Acts 12 : 23]

Immediately, because Herod did not give praise to God, an angel of the Lord struck him down, and he was eaten by worms and died.


The name King Herod appears in several places in the Bible.

Just because they have the same name, they are not the same person.

The names of the kings of Herod's royal family were simply expressed as <King Herod>.


There is King Herod who ruled Judah when Jesus was born.
[Matthew 2:1] After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi from the east came to Jerusalem
This person is called Herod I or Herod the Great.


In Matthew 14, there is another king Herod.
[Matthew14:1] At that time Herod the tetrarch heard the reports about Jesus,
This King Herod was the one who killed John the Baptist on his birthday by being tempted by Herodias. This person is called Herod Antibah.


In Acts 12, there is another king Herod.
[Acts 12:1] It was about this time that King Herod arrested some who belonged to

the church, intending to persecute them. The exact name of this king Herod is

<Herod Agrippa I>. Today we will look at King Herod Agrippa together.


King Herod Agrippa was a man who did anything for his popularity.

Herod pondered how to gain popularity with the Jews. He knew that the Jews hated those

who believed in Jesus and made plans to use it to increase his popularity.


King Herod first plans to kill the leader of the church.

The first person to be sacrificed was the apostle James.

Herod captures James and kills him with a sword.


This increased the popularity of King Herod among the Jews.

To gain greater popularity, King Herod also arrested Peter and put him in prison.

He tried to gain greater popularity by killing Peter on the Passover, a great Jewish holiday.


God did not let King Herod's plan.

He sent an angel to rescue Peter from prison.

Peter, who came out of prison, greeted the believers and took refuge elsewhere.


King Herod's plan to gain great popularity among the Jews by executing Peter on the

Passover failed. Herod's pride for failing to plan to kill Peter was greatly hurt.

After that, Herod went down to a place called 'Caesarea' and stayed there for a while.


When King Herod was in Caesarea, very good things happened politically.

This is because the people of Tire and Sidon, who had a bad relationship with King Herod,

asked King Herod to be reconciled.

Herod decided to set a day to commemorate his reconciliation with them.


Many people gathered on the day they decided to be reconciled.

Herod sat on the throne in a royal costume. And he spoke out loud.


Herod's speech impressed the people gathered there.

The people gathered there shouted to Herod, "This is not the voice of men, but the voice of God." They exalted and praised Herod as if God had come to the earth.


Herod also pretended to be a god.

Herod enjoyed having people exalted himself as God.

This was a great disrespect for God.


God immediately sent an angel to punish Herod.

At that moment, worms began to appear on Herod's body.

In the end, Herod died due to the worms in Herod's body.

The Bible says that King Herod was eaten by a worm and died.

[Acts 12:23] Immediately, because Herod did not give praise to God,

an angel of the Lord struck him down, and he was eaten by worms and died.


King Herod Agrippa persecuted the church and pretended to be God, but was punished by God and eaten by insects and died. God does not stand still to those who persecute the church for malicious purposes. He also does not allow man to intercept the glory he deserves from God.

It is only God who will be honored, exalted, and praised.

Remember that there are only God the Father who saved us, Jesus the Son who died on the cross for me, and God the Holy Spirit who guides me who was saved to heaven, and you must become friends of faith who praise Him alone.

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