
God the Son who came to
this earth in a human body

Today in
the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord.
This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying
in a manger."
(Luke 2:11-12)

When God created
man, He had a wonderful plan. God gave people eternal life and He wanted to
be with them forever. The first man, Adam and Eve, began their eternal life
with God in the Garden of Eden that God had established.

However, because Adam and Eve
broke their promise to God and sinned, their relationship with God was
broken. Because God cannot be with those who have sinned.
Since all people born after Adam are born with sin, no one could be with God.

The only way a person can be with God
again is to solve the problem of sin.
The way to deal with original sin is that an innocent person must pay for all
the sins of people.
But no one in the world could do this because everyone has sinned.

God had a wonderful plan to solve
the sin problem of people. It was decided that God the Son,
one of Gods, would be born as a sinless man. For this purpose, he sent the
angel Gabriel to the earth to find a woman who would give birth to God the
Son as a human being.

The angel Gabriel, sent by God,
went to Mary, who lived in a town called Nazareth.
Soon after, Mary was supposed to marry her young man named Joseph.
Gabriel informed his virgin Mary that by the Holy Spirit God would conceive
the Son Jesus. Mary became pregnant because of her Holy Spirit.

The angel Gabriel also informed
Joseph of God's plan. Joseph heard God's will and married Mary who was
The two of them obeyed God's will so that God the Son could be born with a
human body on this earth.

When the time for Mary to give
birth was near, Caesar Augustus, the Roman emperor, ordered all who belonged
to the Roman Empire to go to their hometown and register their family.
Joseph also had to obey the emperor's orders, so he took Mary, who was in full
term, and went to his hometown, Bethlehem.

When Mary arrived in Bethlehem,
she was about to have a baby. Joseph tried to find a place where Mary could
bear her baby, but she could not find one.
So Joseph, unable to find a place to give birth to her baby, created an
environment in which to give birth in a stable.

gave birth to a baby in the stable. This baby is God the Son who came to this
earth in a human body. God the Son, who came in a human body, was born in a
stable where horses lived without finding a single room.
This child became the first person born without sin since Adam's original

On the day God the Son came to this
earth, angels came down to the earth and appeared to the shepherds who were
tending their sheep in the fields.
The angels told the shepherds the good news that the Messiah had been born in
the stables of Bethlehem.
[But the angel said to them, "Do
not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the
people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is
Christ the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in
cloths and lying in a manger."] (Luke 2:10~12)

When the
angels finished speaking, suddenly many heavenly armies appeared and praised
["Glory to God in the highest,
and on earth peace to men on whom his favor rests."]
(Luke 2:14)
angels went up to heaven after telling the shepherds that the Messiah, who
would save all people on this earth, had come to this earth in a human body.

After the angels left, the
shepherds said to each other.
¡°Let's go to Bethlehem and see if there is what the Lord has told us about.¡±
The shepherds ran to Bethlehem to confirm the words of the angels.

The shepherds saw a baby born in a
manger, just as the angel had said.
The shepherds told the people there what the angel had told them.
Everyone who heard the shepherds was amazed.
When the shepherds confirmed what the angels had informed them, they glorified
and praised God.

The promise and plan that God would
send God the Son to the earth as a man to live with humans again forever has
been fulfilled. God gave Jesus the name of the Son God, who was born in a
human body in the stable in Bethlehem, while he lived as a human being.
This Jesus is the only person who is flesh like us, but without sin.

perfect man and sinless Jesus fulfilled God's plan at the age of 33.
He paid for all human sins, died on the cross, and rose from the dead on the
third day to restore the relationship between God and man.
Because of Jesus, even a person born with the original sin of Adam, if he
just believes in Jesus,
he has given him eternal life and made it possible for him to live with God
Christmas is a joyful day to remember
and give thanks to God the Son who came to this earth in a human body to save
us. I hope that all those who give thanks to the three Gods, the Father, the
Son, and the Holy Spirit, who have allowed this day, will become people with
a sincere heart.
is the sample conclusion provided by CTM. Please feel free to change the
conclusion to best suit the listeners of your sermon.)